e-DEPO rental guarantee
SPF Finance
Rental guarantee on myMINFIN
With the e-DEPO application, you set up your deposit with the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations. The e-DEPO service is located in your MyMinfin access, where you deposit your rental guarantee.

rental guarantee WITHOUT bank deposit
You are on the garantie.be website. We are a private financial company. We offer a service for obtaining a rental guarantee without blocking funds in the bank.
More information on e-DEPO
The following paragraphs provide more information on the Myminfin e-DEPO rental guarantee service.
What is e-depo garantie locative?
e-DEPO is the online application of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations in Belgium. The e-DEPO application enables private individuals to deposit funds from the rental guarantee in total security with Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations.
How does e-depo work?
The e-DEPO application can only be accessed online. To access e-DEPO, you must first log in to MyMinfin.
Read our guide on how to block your rental guarantee on e-DEPO to create a space in your digital safe and deposit your deposit online.
How much is blocked on e-depo?
The amount blocked on e-DEPO depends on the terms of the rental agreement and the rental guarantee you wish to set up. You choose the amount you wish to deposit via the e-DEPO application.
How long does it take to set up a rental guarantee on e-depo?
The rental guarantee file can be created online in just a few minutes. The funds must then be deposited to obtain a certificate of deposit.
When is the rental deposit due on e-depo?
The rental guarantee must be taken out before signing the lease. It is therefore necessary to deposit funds on e-DEPO at least a few days before the date on which the lease is signed and an inventory of fixtures.